Wednesday, May 2, 2007

A Little Ten Plaguesy

Sorry for my absence, Clebketeers, but it was a little Ten Plaguesy around Clebilicious way last week. Food poisoning. Kitty surgery. Shell-less eggs. Disappearance of free cable. (Feel free to pour a drop of wine for each plague, lessening your own cup of joy in recognition of my suffering. Or pour for homies lost--interesting how similar are the two customs.)

Anyway, expect intriguing new posts soon. Will they be about Hennessey and Camilla's quest for oranger egg yolks? Or the delicious denouement of Bush's second term? Chickens roosting, either way. Stay tuned.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Holy crap that's plaguerific. You guys never go halfway, do ya?