Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Best of Clebilicious

November 2006-November 2007

Clebketeers, it's been one whole glorious year in the 'Sphere. Blogosphere. Thanks to all of you who have been kind enough to stop by during your Internet rounds. As a little thank-you present--at least, I hope it seems like a present--I give you ten posts culled from sixty-four. Think of it as little gems mined from a braindroppings pit.

First post: Fabulous Life Of . (Well, technically, second, but the very first said only, "H...hi.")

Stammering early efforts...
Sexiest Voices
Are You Ready to Make a Difference? (appearances to the contrary, this hilarious one was actually written by Brian)

Light summer fare...
Walnuts v. Walnuts
Time To Break Out the Shorts

Hardball with Clebbie Polwick:
Bush II: More Fun Than Expected

You Can Do Sidebends or Situps
If Black People Eat Bagels...

And maybe my best nugget:
Jews Come Out of the Cultural Closet (plus the delectable follow-up)

Drop a comment if you have a favorite! And thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

I may be biased, but the posts re your sister's wedding were pretty... um, accurate. The bus thing was nuts; so was Nimrod...

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of the posts are so amazing -- I can't choose my fave! Hmmm...maybe it was your sister's wedding or the one on your 10 year reunion... too many amazing things to choose from!
Emma rocks!

Emma said...

Thanks you guys!!