Sunday, January 20, 2008

Who I'm Worshiping Now

I've oft been accused of fickle hero worship. Of course that's hogwash. Anyway, here's


Can you name all six?

1. Shrill, sexist and weak on the life philosophy,
but he nails the Clinton connivery every time.

2. The guys go on to starring roles
while she holds it down Gilda Radner-style.

3. "Those of us who have struggled to get our minds around the notion that a man who looks like Barack Obama could be the next president of the United States can no longer take easy refuge in the disappointments of history."

4. Rural Life makes great election-coverage detox.

5. Somehow: sexy?

6. "Her argument against Obama now boils down to an argument against idealism, which is probably the lowest and most unlikely point to which any Clinton could sink."

See, it was still about Obama. I warned you, fair reader.


Anonymous said...

Should I get a handicap, since I'm currently enduring round-the-clock CNN coverage at my household?

By the way, in response to #1, I can't believe you don't agree that life is, in fact, a campaign.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh.... this is too hard:
#1 Chris Matthews
#2 Girls can't be funny silly! I'm not supposed to know this gal's name!
Jon Stewart = scab!
#4 Gore Vidal????
#5 Charlie Rose?????
#6 Arianna Huffington
But where's the media personality I worship -- Emma!!!!!!!!!!!

jon said...

#1 is mr. matthews. ew.
#2 what's her name something bean or other? i don't like the daily show. ew.
#3 i don't know -- looks like he's on the set of meet the press though. do i get bonus point?
#4 don't know -- is he wearing a bolo? that's some rural life for sho
#5 charlie rose. i like how, in calling him "sexy" with a question mark, you seem to take a photo from quite a few years ago. am i right about that, or does my tv come with built-in wrinkles?
#6 maureen dowd. ew, again.

Anonymous said...

The black guy is Eugene Robinson, the columnist, not to be confused with Eugene Robinson the former NFL safety. That Eugene Robinson was arrested for soliciting a prostitute the night before Super Bowl 33. He wanted a blow job, but he didn't get one. The next day he blew his coverage on Rod Smith of the Broncos and his team lost.

Emma said...

Brian: Okay, you're allowed to pitch in now.

Buffy: YOU are the media personality I worship. Oh, and Joel McHale, too.

Jon: Close on #2 and yes, you do get a bonus point. Although I might rescind it if you say "ew" again.

Matt: Showoff. That's why we love you.

Emma said...

Does anybody else read The Rural Life? Lolo?

Anonymous said...

#5 I'd do him. Wrinkles or not.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Matt. I'm speechless.

Emma said...

Okay, I think Buffy and Jon tie for the top prize, but Matt gets the That's Some Crazy Shit award.

#2 is Daily Show correspondent Samantha Bee, who is about a hundred times funnier than Jon Stewart.

#4 is Verlyn Klinkenborg of the New York Times. He rules.