Thursday, May 21, 2009

La Crise Plogxistentielle

The plog asks, Why do I exist? And I don't quite have an answer, although I suspect there is one out there somewhere. It's nothing new. Plogicide ideation is a weekly Clebilicious routine when not a daily one. The Statcounter numbers come in, enthusiasm flags, the "Delete This Blog" button beckons. I have to give it to the ploggie blunt: the world may not care, but the plog must go on! Why? I don't know! I just make unexplained demands like some banana republic dictator. Occasionally I am encouraging, too. There, there. Carry on, little plog. Carry on.


Lolo said...

Il faut resister la crise!!!! Au moins, surtout, pour moi, qui aimerai toujuors votre plog.

Shenanigans said...

I don't know French, so I have no idea what the other person said, but I just found your blog today and spent 3 hours reading practically the whole thing. Please don't delete it now! I am already hooked.