Friday, November 13, 2009

Most Popular Post of All Time

OVER A YEAR AGO, I tossed off a little rant about Keith Olbermann, to whose narcissism I am severely allergic. I never expected it to be my most popular post of all time. But so it is.

Every few months some crazed Olbermann-loather (like myself) pops out of the woodwork, googles "Keith Olbermann sucks," finds my post (it is currently the eighth-ranking Google result for that search) and, if I am especially lucky, leaves a rant in the comments section that far outshines my original.

Many of these commenters are rightist lunatics who would hate me in real life. But our Olberloathing brings us together--in this ephemeral place, in this one magical moment. Thank you, Keith.

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