Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Miss SHao's Cocktails for the Endangered

Because the earth needs a stiff drink.

The Pika Sidecar
2 parts bourbon
1 part grand marnier
1/2 part meyer lemon juice

Shake well. Garnish with haypile of one pika.

Limpy the Wolf
2 parts earl grey infused vodka
1 part gin
1/2 part lillet blanc

Serve in rocking tumbler in honor of poor 253M

The Mountain Pullover
2 parts vodka
3 parts fresh squeezed orange juice
1/2 part simple syrup
1 speckled mountain plover egg

Shake vodka, orange juice and syrup. Pour into chilled martini glass. Gently roll mountain plover egg into glass, allowing the incubating chick an osmosis share of alcohol. Remove egg and consume drink while waiting for gangly plover to emerge. If plover has not yet hatched when drink goes dry, repeat with additional drinks until egg watch concludes.
After hatch, crush spent eggshells for future use rimming glasses.
Drink this and drive and you'll get pulled over. What are you doing driving? I thought you cared about the environment.


Lolo said...

This is one of the weirdest and most amazing things I've ever read. More please!!!!

Emma said...

Miss SHao really deserves the credit.