Saturday, July 6, 2013

La Crise Plogxistentielle (Deuxième Partie)

Over the past couple years I have many times feared my plog would die. It has not died. It has, however, limped along pitifully and huddled in the corner with drooping wings. And you know...


I want to revive it--nay, reinvent it. I want it to finally be all that it can be. I've been tooling around with the layout, scribbling lots of notes for the posts in my head, rabidly consuming old and new favorite blogs, thinking about what I enjoy reading and staging my comeback. (Such is my way: I'm one part doing to nine parts plotting, fretting and research.)

From its inception, Clebilicious has been sort of lost and lonely. It has no natural niche, because it does not center on a single topic or theme. Oh the many times I've been told I should narrow my focus! I know it's what you're supposed to do! But if I couldn't write about strippers & rappers one month and hen lineages the next it would break my spirit and I wouldn't write anything at all.

I am trying to figure out how to make this plog successful and worthwhile (presumably deciding first how I'll define such terms) as a better-tended version of itself, rather than as some reasonable beast with, like, a single theme. So if you have been a reader and have encouragements or thoughts, or if you have read good blogs that are as hodgepodgey in subject matter as mine own, do let me know. Thanks for reading.


Jeanine said...

I love its hodge-podge-iness! Paul's blog is like that (although he's been blogging mostly about immigration lately).

Keep posting so I can keep reading. <3

Emma said...

Thanks J9 :-)