Thursday, May 1, 2008

Love It

I consulted the spirit of Hennessy before posting this, because I thought maybe the plog should sit shiva a few more days. But she insisted that the show go on. She wouldn't have it any other way.

Barack Obama wore the most adorably dorky outfit when he hooped it up with the UNC college team Tuesday. Shirt tucked into tapery jogging pants. He's supposedly played lots of pickup ball on the South Side, so one has to surmise he can dress cooler. But it's a brilliant move. Now that he is hovering precipitously near the Too Black side of the race-o-meter, the worst thing he could have done was don a big white tee, shiny basketball shorts and some cool kicks.


Anonymous said...

What I love about this is the novelty of the camera following not the basketball, or the game, but little Barack.

Emma said...

Haha, so true.