Friday, May 30, 2008

So You Think You Can (Steal My Heart)

Oh dear. 'Keteers, you know of the Clebster's special weakness for gay*, black, male teens. Well, dance phenom Brandon Bryant is just fiddling on my heartstrings:

*I'm going out on a limb to presume he is gay. It's a pretty short limb (see mohawk, scarf), but still a tad rude.

Such poise for one so young! His balletic technique wants for nothing, and he integrates elements from every corner of the dance world, diving into breaker moves with the grace of a modern dancer.

Bryant was the darling of So You Think You Can Dance's DC auditions. The guy's got charm you can't fake.

I loved how he was all humble/grateful/taken aback when the judges praised him, which is just what they want (You're the one to inform me of my brilliance!) and then got cocky during his backstage ticket-to-Vegas celebration. (Black people get to be cocky. It's a Muhammed Ali thing. Don't hate.)

It's come to this. I have to vote on a reality show. And Paulie has to send away for an autographed pec pic.

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