Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Biden: Snap, She Called It

Hot damn, my political predictions are good. I hate to brag (no, I take that back: I love to brag), but I made reference to an Obama/Biden ticket back in...wait for it...wait for it...December! the year 2007 (albeit the waning hours thereof)!!

Wait, was anybody talking about Biden as VP at that time? Wasn't Biden still running himself? Wasn't Barack still pie in the sky? No, yes and yes!!

Uh! Suck it, real commentators!

And I hate to turn the knife here (okay, I actually don't hate to), but I also nailed John Edwards, much like he nailed a lady who was not his long-suffering wife. Here I am, calling out his weasely nature, in the same post.

Now I just need to never predict anything and I'll stay two for two.

I'm very pleased with the Biden pick. (Since, you know, my view on the subject is desperately sought.)

Joe Biden made stupid racial comments at the outset about Obama, totally disregarding the Let's Not Be Racist! Basics Manual, which explicitly discourages use of the word "articulate" when complimenting a black person. (Not to mention "clean".) And he has made other dubious remarks, Indian people, quickie marts, etc. So, he might be a little bit racist, it's true.

However, prior to the Cleb shitlisting he faced with those comments, I held him in high esteem. He seems to have been an effective legislator throughout his triple-decade senate career. And I think he shares with Obama a fervent urge to keep it real. I've been struck every time I've seen him interviewed on TV (okay, probably just once, on The Daily Show) by the normal sound of his voice. He doesn't have a whiny politician accent.

I find that telling. I think when Obama repeats over and over that Biden rides the train home to Delaware each night, he has a point. Biden, for all his long senate service, is not a politicobot. He's recognizably human.

Plus he sent me this cute email with subject "Hello."

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