Thursday, November 13, 2008


It is customary for me to make fun of And so it will be today. But his instantly-churned Obama celebration song, "It's a New Day" and the accompanying video are irresistible. The song was released Wednesday the 5th, because of course everything in the modern age must happen mega-instantaneously to be worth anything. And just to up the ante on techno-neato-rifics, appeared on CNN on election night in: hologram form. (Him and Anderson Cooper trying to act all breezy like they just felt hologram would be the most sensible way to do the interview was hilarious. Just the two of them together was God's gift to Cleb.)

So, watch the video. Download the song. Feel warm. When says it'll be "You/ And me/Together," I'm not gonna go all brat on him like, no, I'm not coming.

But: a catty aside. Obviously will.i. is not expressing pure feelings from the 5th ("Woke up this morning/feeling all right") since the song was produced way before. So that's a blemish on his artistic integrity, although surely--snicker--the first. And then there's this curious lyric: "I've been fighting for tomorrow/All my life." Was he fighting for tomorrow when he made all those ho anthems for Fergie? Just saying. I don't like how he plays this pimpy-trashy/political-hopey split and gets away with it.

Okay now I'm nice again. It really has felt like a new day. I'm glad there's a smiling video with Kyra Sedgwick and Aisha Tyler cameos to keep reminding me.

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